As a provider of Ayurvedic education, we find it very important to be able to offer continued education not only to our own students but also to other Ayurvedic professionals in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe.
It is possible to follow all modules of the Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicine in both Dutch and English.
In addition, it is also possible to follow the Introduction to Vedic Astrology as a separate course (Dutch) and the Introduction to Ayurvedic body massage (English) and the Pranic Healing workshops.
Ayurveda College Europe will also offer the modules of Clinical Ayurvedic Medicine that are part of the Practitioner training as continued education or training.
Teachers from Netherlands and abroad will also be invited by Ayurveda College Europe to teach.
On our courses, workshops and continued education our general terms and conditions apply. Below an overview of planned contintued education or visit our agenda
Continued education | bij- en nascholing