PK1 Basistraining voor Ayurveda Professionals
Jouw cliënten zijn op zoek naar een een compleet spectrum aan Ayurvedische zorg
Ga mee op een transformatieve reis met onze Panchakarma Basistraining Level 1, waarin je essentiële Ayurvedische therapieën onder de knie krijgt die de ruggengraat vormen van holistische genezingspraktijken. Dit programma is ontworpen om je de vaardigheden en het vertrouwen te geven om deze krachtige behandelingen aan je cliënten aan te bieden, hun welzijn te verbeteren en een loyale klantenkring op te bouwen. Het aanbieden van Panchakarma, verjongingstherapieën, reinigingstherapieën en de vele combinaties die je leert, is de SLEUTEL tot het aantrekken en behouden van een klantenkring die je vertrouwt, meer klanten jouw kant op stuurt en met je blijft samenwerken.
Doe mee met deze meeslepende trainingservaring en leer van Wahneta Trotter, een ervaren Ayurvedisch beoefenaar en Panchakarma-specialist met meer dan 20 jaar ervaring. Haar passie voor Ayurvedische therapieën en toewijding aan holistische genezing zullen je inspireren en in staat stellen om deze transformatieve behandelingen aan je cliënten te bieden.
Over de docente: Wahneta Trotter
Wahneta Trotter is een vooraanstaand Ayurvedisch Practitioner en Panchakarma Specialist met meer dan 20 jaar ervaring in het veld. Haar reis in Ayurveda wordt gekenmerkt door uitgebreide training, diepe toewijding en een passie voor holistische genezing.
Gurukula Studie
Wahneta’s fundamentele kennis van Ayurveda werd gevormd door vijf jaar Gurukula-studie in de Verenigde Staten, aangevuld met immersieve Panchakarma-programma’s in India. Deze traditionele vorm van leren stelde haar in staat om diepgaande inzichten in Ayurvedische principes en praktijken te verkrijgen, rechtstreeks van gerespecteerde leraren.
Gevorderde Training
Haar gevorderde training omvat gespecialiseerde polsdiagnosetechnieken en de ervaring van het runnen van een Panchakarma-centrum in India. Deze praktische ervaring heeft haar vaardigheden in zowel diagnostische als therapeutische aspecten van Ayurveda aangescherpt.
Afgestudeerd California College of Ayurveda
Wahneta is net als founder Riim Lagerwerf een trotse afgestudeerde van het California College of Ayurveda, waar ze een professionele opleiding en training volgde die de basis legden voor haar succesvolle carrière in de Ayurvedische praktijk.
Yogacharya Initiatie
Naast haar Ayurvedische expertise is Wahneta ingewijd als Yogacharya in een eeuwenoude yogalijn. Deze initiatie weerspiegelt haar diepe toewijding aan het integreren van de wijsheid van yoga met Ayurvedische genezing.
Uitstekende Mentoren
Gedurende haar carrière heeft Wahneta haar studies en trainingen voortgezet met gerenommeerde experts zoals Dr. Robert Svoboda en Dr. Shrestha. Haar Panchakarma stages en doorlopende mentorschappen hebben haar begrip en toepassing van Ayurvedische therapieën verrijkt.
Ervaren Mentor
Als ervaren mentor heeft Wahneta in de loop der jaren tientallen studenten lesgegeven en getraind. Haar manier van lesgeven is zowel boeiend als inzichtelijk, waardoor studenten hun kennis vol vertrouwen kunnen toepassen in de echte wereld.
Wahneta’s toewijding aan Ayurvedische therapieën en haar uitgebreide ervaring maken haar een onschatbare gids voor degenen die hun begrip van Panchakarma en holistische genezing willen verdiepen. Haar passie voor het delen van deze oude wijsheid inspireert en geeft haar studenten de kracht om hun eigen praktijken en de levens van hun cliënten te transformeren.
Alles wat je moet weten
This program will be taught in English language.
During the PK Level 1 training, you will learn and practice the following therapies:
- 4-Handed Abhyanga : Experience the profound benefits of this synchronized massage technique, which is considered one of the finest offerings in Ayurveda. This therapy promotes deep relaxation, improves circulation, and balances the doshas.
- Shirodhara : Discover the calming effects of Shirodhara, a therapy that involves the gentle pouring of warm oil over the forehead. It is known for reducing stress, enhancing mental clarity, and promoting restful sleep.
- Swedhana : Learn the art of herbal steam therapy, which helps open the channels, eliminate toxins, and enhance the effects of other treatments.
- Nasya : Under the expert guidance of Wahneta Trotter, you will learn her signature Satmya Nasya treatment. This unique and highly effective therapy addresses a range of conditions, from seasonal allergies and respiratory issues to depression. Wahneta’s Nasya is a standout treatment, developed through years of study with various teachers and Vaidyas, and is a vital component of basic clinical practice.
- Basti: Develop proficiency in administering Basti to specific body regions. Each type of Basti—Hrd, Janu, and Kati—addresses unique health concerns, promoting localized healing and systemic balance.
- Bliss Therapy : On the final day discover the holistic approach of Bliss Therapy, which combines the therapies Abhyanga, Shirodhara and Swedana to create a comprehensive healing experience. This Bliss therapy promotes profound relaxation and rejuvenation. Learn to tailor Bliss Therapy sessions to meet individual client needs, enhancing their overall well-being.
Program Benefits
- Hands-On Practice : Engage in practical sessions with expert supervision, allowing you to refine your skills and gain confidence in delivering these therapies.
- Client-Centered Approach : Learn to assess client needs and customize treatments for optimal results. This personalized approach ensures client satisfaction and enhances therapeutic outcomes.
- Holistic Healing : Understand the principles behind each therapy and how they work synergistically to promote balance, detoxification, and rejuvenation.
By mastering these advanced Ayurvedic therapies, you will be equipped to offer a comprehensive range of treatments that support holistic health and well-being. Join us to deepen your expertise and expand your practice with these transformative therapies
Training Outline
- Days 1-3 : Abhyanga
- Day 4 : Shirodhara and Swedhana
- Days 5-6 : Nasya
- Day 7 : Vasthis; Janu, Kati, Hrd, etc.
- Day 8 : Bliss Therapy – Bringing them all together
Daily Schedule
- 9:00-12:30 : Class – Each day begins with a review, Q&A, theory discussion, followed by hands-on practice.
- 12:30-1:30 : Lunch
- 1:30-4:30 : Class – Continue with review, Q&A, theory discussion, and hands-on practice.
Throughout the training, you will delve into clinical applications, Ayurvedic principles, and more. Our classes focus on refining your skills, techniques, competence, and confidence. Our goal is for each student to leave this training ready to implement these therapies in their practice.
- Hands-On Approach : Engage in practical, hands-on training where you will practice on fellow students. After the training you are ready to incorporate these therapies in your practice or clinic.
- Comprehensive Training Manual : Receive a complete training manual that serves as a valuable resource, guiding you through each therapy with detailed instructions, illustrations, and insights into Ayurvedic principles.
- Advanced Mentorship : Benefit from the guidance of Wahneta Trotter, a mentor with over two decades of clinical experience and specialization in leading Panchakarma practices in America. Her mentorship provides you with advanced insights, personalized feedback, and the opportunity to learn from her extensive expertise in the field.
Ayurveda Professionals (Ayurvedic Health Counselors or Practitioners) or anyone with basic Ayurveda knowledge that want to expand their offering as body therapist or holistic healer.
We have 12 spots available for this training.
Students should have foundational Ayurveda knowledge.
We are registered with CRKBO. This is the register of the Central Register for Short Vocational Education (CRKBO). We will have this training module accreditated with KTNO.
KTNO is an accreditation platform for healthcare professionals, professional associations, educational institutions and continued education training institutes in complementary care. KTNO represents their interests, informs external parties and (guarantees) quality.

After completion of the 8 day training you will receive a certificate of completion. Due to hands on approach in training you will not be tested as the experience is gained during the training.
The cost of this PK1 Training Module is €2500,-
We have an early bird registration available. See below. On all workshops and trainings our General Terms and Conditions apply.
Prices do not include VAT as we are exempted from charging VAT.
This is an 8 day training from September 13 until September 20, 2025 from 9:00 am – 16:30 pm and will take place at Ayurveda College Europe in The Hague.
For students traveling to the Netherlands the program costs do not include accommodation and travel costs.
We can assist you in finding something suitable.
Schrijf je in voor PK1 Basistraining
Om je te registreren, gaat je naar de onderstaande link om de training online te kopen of neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie.
Vroege registratie wordt aanbevolen, aangezien de plaatsen beperkt zijn tot 12 studenten. Zodra je de training hebt gekocht, bevestigen we jouw registratie ook per e-mail.
PK1 Foundations Training
- PAY €2250 by paying in full by end of April. Use discount code PK1 EARLY when you checkout
Join our comprehensive Panchakarma training this September and take advantage of our special early bird pricing options and flexible payment plans/
Early Bird Pricing Options:
- Pay in Full by April 30:
- Special Price: €2,250
- Benefit: Enjoy the lowest rate by paying in full by the end of April.
- Flexible Payment Plan:
- Total Price: €2,350 (after €150 early bird discount)
- Deposit: Secure your spot with a deposit of €500 by end of April.
- Remainder: Pay the remaining balance by June 30th.
- Contact us to register and send your invoice, email
Why Register Early?
- Save Money: Choose the payment option that best suits your needs and enjoy significant savings.
- Secure Your Spot: Limited spaces available for 12 students, so act fast!
- Plan Ahead: Benefit from flexible payment options to manage your finances comfortably.
- Immediate ROI: Start offering Bliss Therapy to your clients right away, enhancing your service offerings and increasing your revenue potential.
This is a unique opportunity to enhance your Ayurvedic practice with in-depth training in Panchakarma therapies. Our program offers hands-on experience and expert guidance to help you master these transformative techniques.
Don’t miss out on this chance to advance your skills and offer profound healing experiences to your clients. Register today and embark on a journey of learning and growth in Ayurvedic therapy.

Wahneta Trotter
Ayurvedic Practitioner and Panchakarma Specialist
Wahneta Trotter, Certified Ayurvedic Specialist and Pancha Karma Specialist, received her formal Ayurvedic education and training from the California College of Ayurveda. Additionally she has studied with Dr. Svoboda, Dr. Douillard, Dr. Shrestha and Dr. Cravatta, Vijaya Stern, Ysha Oakes, David Crow, Prashanti deJager, and Dr. Bharat Vaidya, world-renowned specialists and authors in the field of Ayurveda. Wahneta Trotter was a senior certified yoga teacher in the Rod Stryker system of ParaYoga. Wahneta produced and recorded the meditation CD Yoga Nidra: Awakened Sleep, Awakened Life, soon to be avail in the itunes app store. Outside of Stamya Ayurveda, Wahneta has also created an Ayurvedic Therapies Training program,