Education overview

"Knowledge is indeed powerful but its impact is limited if it cannot be conveyed or shared. The purpose of gaining knowledge is to turn it into relevant information that can be received and have an impact on the world. "
~ Dr. David Frawley

Education in Ayurvedic Medicine

Become an embodied  Ayurvedic Professional & Healer 

Interest in Ayurvedic medicine is growing in the Netherlands and throughout Europe as more and more people seek natural solutions for disease prevention and management of chronic health problems. For thousands of years, Ayurveda has cultivated a body of knowledge For thousands of years, Ayurveda has cultivated a body of knowledge that we can very well apply in today’s society to provide solutions to various health problems. Ayurvedic health professionals work with nutrition, herbs, lifestyle and yoga therapy to maximize the body’s potential to heal itself.

Be empowered to take health in your own hands. Study Ayurvedic medicine for overall health and wellness.

This 12-month Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicine program provides both in-depth theoretical knowledge and personal, practical guidance in adopting an Ayurvedic lifestyle. We integrate Yoga (Raja and Tantra), Vedic Astrology and Pranic Healing as key tools for your personal development and transformation so that you can truly experience healing on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Once you have completed this program, you can continue your education to become a certified Ayurvedic Therapist or Practitioner. This is a unique Ayurvedic program in Europe that integrates the Vedic model into its curriculum and aims for students to fully learn and embody the foundations of Ayurveda and Yoga.

Become an Embodied Ayurvedic Professional and Specialist in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

You will be trained for a scope of practice that uses the five sensory therapies: diet, aromatherapy, sound (mantra), color and touch (ayurvedic massage) but also Rituals. This is an 18-month (1.5 year) professional program and includes the Fundamentals of Ayurvedic medicine and a professional internship program. During the internship students will amongst other counsel clients and follow a series of classes to develop their therapeutic skills and skills as holistic healer.  After successful completion students have: strong theoretical knowledge of Ayurvedic Medicine, have embodied Ayurvedic and Yogic lifestyle, and have developed strong therapeutic skills to prevent disease and promote health. 

Become a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist
and manage and treat disease at the root with an holistisc approach.

As an Ayurvedic Practitioner you are a specialist in Clinical Ayurvedic medicine. You can support people in adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle AND you are also passionate about managing diseases. You study the diseases that affect every system of the body, from an Ayurvedic, Yogic and Western perspective. This program includes extensive training in Ayurvedic disease management, Western medical fundamentals and Pranic Healing Psychotherapy. Graduates are prepared to start a private practice by following a six-month professional internship program. This internship program prepares you as a Practitioner but also guides you in your further personal and spiritual development. This is a 3.5 year professional education program and includes: Ayurvedic Health Counselor program + Ayurvedic Clinical Medicine + Western Medicine Fundamentals and an internship program.

Integrate the two sister sciences of Ayurveda
and Yoga to offer personalized therapy.

As an Ayurvedic Yoga therapist you can lead individual group lessons in which the two beautiful sister sciences are combined. Depending on where you are on your journey, you can follow the following study paths:

If you are a Certified 200 hours Yoga Teacher: Ayurvedic Therapist Certification + 100 hours Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy

If you are Certified Ayurvedic Practitioners or Ayurvedic Health Counselors: 200 Hour Yoga Personal Development Certification with our partner saktiisha + 100 hours Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy