Become an Ayurvedic Professional - Ayurvedic Health Counselor

Language: This training is taught fully in English. We also offer the program in Dutch.
Length: 18 months, 100 EC
Class days: Total 24 days in year 1 +
> 2 days Ayurvedisc Massage workshop
> 2 days Introduction Vedic Astrology (divided over 6 classes of 2 hours)
During internship: 16 classes besides seeing patients.
Learning format : There are two option to follow this training.
- Blended Learning classroom and online. Combination of self-study, 1 classroom lesson day in The Hague and online live lesson day per module and zoom online lesson. Exception is the massage workshop and the Intensive prior to the internship. This must be in person in classroom because of the practical element.
- Blended Learning Live-online. The same as above but then the 2 live lesson days completely online via zoom instead of physically present. Exception same as above.
Wat does the training entail
You will be trained for a scope practice that uses five sense therapy: nutrition, aromatherapy, sound (mantra), color and touch (ayurvedic massage) as well as Rituals. This is a professional program of 18 months (1.5 years) and includes the Ayurvedic Medicine Fundamentals and a professional internship program. During the internship you will treat clients under the guidance of an experienced Practitioner. In addition, you will follow a series of classes and receive coaching to develop your therapeutic skills. After successful completion you will have: a strong theoretical knowledge of Ayurvedic medicine, you have embodied the Ayurvedic and Yogic lifestyle and you have developed strong therapeutic skills to prevent disease and promote health. As an Ayurvedic Therapist you can start your own practice with experience and confidence.
For the full training profile we refer to the study guide.
- You have knowledge of the broad nature of Ayurvedic philosophy and how it relates to the basis of health and well-being.
- You demonstrate competence in Ayurvedic anatomy, physiology and pathology.
- You understand the basic principles of Vedic astrology for your own transformation and that of your clients.
- You have knowledge of the broad nature of what is yoga and its Yoga philosophy: Yamas & Niyama and can apply this understanding in daily life.
- You have embodied experience from Tantra Yoga how the Kundalini energy can be awakened for your own transformation and development.
- You demonstrate the ability to give Ayurvedic oil massage for the whole body.
- You demonstrate the ability to correctly analyze a client through Ayurvedic anamnesis and evaluation. You will understand the nature of
- Knowledge of Ayurvedic nutrition and herbal medicine and how these can be used to improve a client’s health.
- You will understand the range of holistic therapies and rituals and how they can be used as part of treatment plans.
- You will learn protocols for sleep problems, digestive problems, stress and burnout, headaches, PMS and Menopause.
- You will understand panchakarma theory and how this can be used.
- You will learn how to conduct the initial intake, provide feedback on findings and treatment plan and how to conduct follow-up visits with clients.
- You will learn how to support a client through obstacles and create an optimal situation for therapy/treatment.
- You will learn how to market yourself, price your services correctly and hold promotional events.
- You will learn how to write your business plan.
- Very extensive theoretical and practical training in Ayurvedic medicine that will give you confidence and skills as an Ayurvedic health professional.
- You will receive knowledge and practice of hatha yoga, tantra yoga and vedic astrology.
- Ayurvedic daily routine essentials box (Tongue scraper, Abhyanga oil, Neti Pot, Nasal oil, Rose water, Eye cup).
- Textbook principles of Ayurvedic medicine by Dr. Marc Halpern.
- Personal guidance by Ayurvedic Practitioner and Tantra & Embodiment Coach
- Blended learning: live classroom sessions in The Hague and online live zoom sessions with self-study. Can’t attend the live sessions? They will be recorded so you can watch the replay. Please note that you must attend a personal 3-day Intensive prior to the internship program and that the rest of the Intensive is online.
- Via Online learning environment (Learning management system) for lessons, tools, guided meditations, journal and reflection questions and quizzes, cases, homework assignments.
- Intervision Case studies: during these live, interactive sessions you will have the opportunity to share case studies, ask questions and get in touch with fellow students (during internship period).
- Online Q&A to ask your questions.
- Monthly coaching sessions of 45 minutes with an experienced Ayurvedic Practitioner: your mentor during the 1st year of study. And during your internship personal guidance by Tantra and Embodiment Coach for your personal development and Case management with an experienced Practitioner.
- Energetic transfer of knowledge.
- Community events. During the training we organize community events about Ayurveda and Yoga and we transfer knowledge and come together to share our gifts.
- A gentle embodied approach to learning and living Ayurveda and Yoga in our unique Ayurveda education program. This is due to the emphasis on self-care, personal development and spiritual growth.
- The support you need to transform your health, life and career.
- The intuitive and professional teachers who embody Ayurveda and Yoga.
- Introduction to Vedic Astrology. Our goal is not to teach you all the details of Vedic astrology. That would be very complex. What we do want to do is show you how using basic knowledge can contribute to your own transformation and for your future clients.
We integrate rituals from Tantra Yoga, Yoga asanas, philosophy, meditation and pranayama throughout the program to support you in your personal process. - Extensive 6 month internship to develop the clinical and personal skills needed to support clients on their journey back to health. This means that after the first year you will see paying clients and can earn back a large part of your investment in the training. This program is essential for graduating competent and confident therapists and practitioners. During your internship you will be assigned an experienced Ayurvedic Practitioner who will guide you. Please note: you do not have to travel to India for your internship. If you would like to gain internship experience in India in the future, we will put you in touch with our partners.
- If you already have some knowledge of Ayurveda but would like to deepen your knowledge and application through professional education.
- For anyone who wants to apply holistic medicine for their own health and personal development. AND….
- If you want a career in holistic medicine to guide others to optimal health and well-being.
- If you want to expand your offering as a healthcare professional, health coach, counselor (massage) therapist, energetic healer and yoga teacher. Whether you already work holistically or want to apply a holistic approach.
- Ultimately our vision is
a world where our healthcare system and each household has integrated a holistic approach to health for overall better well-being.”
When you choose our education, you also choose to contribute to this vision.
Admission requires that the prospective student:
- Is prepared not only to study and learn but also to develop personally and spiritually.
- Is at least 18 years old.
Exceptions are possible after consultation with the examination committee. - Is in possession of at least a secondary school diploma at least HAVO or MBO (or equivalent certification for international students.
If you do not meet this requirement, we can discuss this with the examination committee); - Has a good command of the English language in speech and writing. All classes and material will be in English language. Much of the literature on the recommended reading list is also in English. All classes are taught in English language.
- Undergoes a personal intake interview.
- Registers via the registration form and thereby agrees to our general terms and conditions.
- Has received and read our study guide.
- Meets the minimum requirements to participate in distance learning, if live online teaching is selected as the learning method.
We are registered with CRKBO. This is the register of the Central Register for Short Vocational Education (CRKBO).
The Ayurvedic Health Counselor training is accredited with KTNO as vocational training program as is the Ayurvedic Medicine Fundamentals program. Our objectives is to have the Ayurvedic Practitioner training also accredited by KTNO by end of 2024 and by CPION by beginning of 2025.
KTNO is an accreditation platform for healthcare professionals, professional associations, educational institutions and continued education training institutes in complementary care. KTNO represents their interests, informs external parties and (guarantees) quality.
CPION – is the Center for Post-Initial Education Netherlands is the central organization for testing, certifying and registering post-initial training courses.

Please also visit our tuition page for full overview and payment options.
These amounts include the textbook required for the training and exclude recommended literature and exclude registration costs of € 125,- and exclude travel costs to The Hague and accommodation costs in The Hague during Intensive prior to the internship. The prices mentioned are subject to change.
Recoup most of the tuition fees of year 2 during internship!
During the Ayurvedic Health Counselor Internship, students will see paying clients (50 client visits) in their own practice or in the clinic of Ayurveda College Europe. In addition, they will also give a 6-week introductory course for which they will also charge. This allows them to recoup a large part of their tuition fees from year 2.
The courses are exempt from VAT. The costs for the course are tax deductible in The Netherlands, for more information we refer you to the website of the Dutch Tax Authorities.
The program of assessment consists of:
- Homework assignments per module (questions and assignments), Students receive a grade for fully answering the assignments.
- Quizes: Multiple choice knowledge tests per module. You will not receive a grade for these tests
- Three (3) Interim exam tests. You need to pass this with a 7.5
- Practical during internship period of taking intake and conducting Ayurvedic assessments.
- Case study assignments as of module 3 in certification program of Ayurvedic Health Counselor and as of module 1 during Ayurvedic Practitioner training.
- Case study presentations during the internship period of Ayurvedic Therapist and Ayurvedic Practitioner.
- Internship period of 6 months in which students treat clients.
Check if you meet the admission requirements.
Request our study guide.
Register for an open day or personal interview to ask your questions.
Register via our registration form.
Modules Ayurvedic Health Counselor program
The training to become an Ayurvedic Health Counselor consists of two parts. Namely
1. Fundamentals of Ayurvedic medicine. Duration: 12 months. This part can also be followed separately. Students then receive a certificate of participation in the fundamentals of Ayurvedic medicine.
2. Ayurvedic Therapist internship program. Duration: 6 months.
Total 18 months.
In each module we use practical exercises, reflection homework, quizzes and study homework to absorb the knowledge. Yoga and Ayurveda lifestyle and rituals are woven throughout the entire training with the aim that students can actually embody it and undergo their own personal process with the aim of balance in body and mind.
In the first module we start by getting to know ourselves and each other as a group and you will receive an introduction to Ayurvedic and Yogic lifestyle. You will meet all the teachers but will mainly get to know yourself from a different perspective. Our first day of class together we open with a beautiful ritual and building community and we cover all about self-care and a sattvic lifestyle.
In this module we go back to the source, namely the most important Ayurvedic texts but we also delve into the Yoga philosophy both Raja Yoga and Tantra Yoga. You will also learn something about the history of Vedic Astrology and about Pranic Healing.
In this module you will learn all about Ayurvedic anatomy and physiology. We will discuss, among other things:
20 qualities of all matter
The 5 elements and the senses
Tridosha theory and the subdoshas
Prakruti (constitution) and signs of imbalance
Vikruti (current state of health)
Introduction to the basic principles of treatment
The seven dhatus (tissues)
Ojas (vitality, resistance in the broadest sense of the word)
We also link all of this to ourselves and what our own constitution is, our current state of health and use yoga, pranic healing, lifestyle and rituals to bring balance to the elements.
In this module we go to the essence of digestion. Not only what we take in through food but everything through the senses.
We discuss:
Paka (digestion) and agni (digestive fire)
The quality and state of Agni and the 13 agnis
How tissues are created / formed and ojas
The four forms of Ama (toxins)
Waste products according to Ayurveda
Everything about the srotas (channels) in the body.
Introduction to Ayurvedic pathology
We link this to ourselves to understand what the state of agni and ama is and the srotas and learn how to bring this into balance.
We use yoga, pranic healing, lifestyle and rituals to heal that which still needs to be digested and transformed.
In this module you will learn all about how disease unfolds according to Ayurveda and how the doshas naturally move and what happens when the doshas get out of balance.
We continue to support our own process because we are now experiencing a shift in consciousness and understanding of how imbalance or certain conditions have manifested in ourselves. We continue to practice our own sadhana individually and in the group to not only learn intellectually but also to let everything we have learned so far descend into the heart.
With a good understanding of the basic principles, digestion and how disease unfolds, we will learn in this module and month about:
The 3 ways to understand disease or imbalance.
The functional, Ayurvedic, diet and lifestyle anamnesis
8 and 10 fold examination
How we examine the dhatus and srotas
Urine, Pulse and tongue diagnosis.
In this module and month we learn Ayurvedic psychology in terms of:
Personality and the 3 doshas
The 3 gunas and the relationship with the doshas
Subtle anatomy, namely the 3 bodies, the 5 koshas
The 3 nadis
We experience ourselves through yoga, lifestyle, rituals and pranic healing how we can change the subtle anatomy and bring it into balance, but especially when it does not work. What do we encounter?
In this module and month we will go into detail about the chakra theory and subtle doshas Prana, Tejas and Ojas and how we can look at disease with an understanding of the chakras. You will learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of imbalance in the chakras, but we will also look at the concept of Kundalini energy and learn how we can awaken it. You have already completed basic Pranic Healing days and during this module you will learn Advanced Pranic Healing, where knowledge of the chakras will be very useful.
We use yoga, lifestyle, rituals, bija mantra, pranayama and pranic healing to experience for yourself how it affects the state of chakras and prana, tejas and ojas.
This module and month is all about food as medicine. Not only will you learn the basic principles of Ayurvedic nutrition, everything about the tastes, but also the guidelines for healthy digestion and we will look at the different categories of food and what effect food has on the doshas. You will learn how to choose which nutritional program / diet is best and how you can use it in treatment. We will go into the kitchen together and learn about Ayurvedic superfoods and how we can turn cooking into a sadhana and ritual. You will also learn what you can encounter in guiding others in nutrition. But even more importantly, we will look at our own relationship with food.
With the basics of Ayurvedic nutrition, you will learn the basics of Ayurvedic herbalism in this module and month. You are expected to know 20 herbs by heart and experiment with them yourself. We will taste all 20! We will cover:
General terminology and the actions of herbs
Common preparations of herbs
Theory about formulating a herbal complex
Herbs and the dhatus and srotas.
As an Ayurvedic Health Counselor you do not yet treat diseases or conditions with herbal medicines. You WILL learn which classical formulas you may use.
In this module and month we will discuss five senses therapy including the use of yoga and rituals for dosha balance. We will discuss:
Color therapy
Gemstone therapy
Sound therapy
Massage therapy and touch
Yoga and Rituals
Protocols for digestive problems, sleep problems, stress and burnout, PMS and Menopause
Panchakarma (five actions) is a cleansing and rejuvenating program for the body, mind, and consciousness. You will be introduced to the theory and learn amongs other how to decide whether a client / patient needs tonification, palliation or reduction therapy. Note that as Ayurvedic Health Counselor you will learn how to perform Abhyanga but you will not need to know how to design a Panchakarma program. You will learn this in the Practitioner program.
In this series of 6 classes of 2 hours you will learn the basics of Vedic Astrology to apply firstly for your own transformation.
In this two day course you will learn:
Basic Ayurvedic massage techniques,
Samadhi Marma technique of Vaidya Mishra.
Traditional Ayurvedic facial treatment MUKHA ABHYANGA
Traditional Ayurvedic body treatment
Traditional Ayurvedic Detox treatment UDWARTANA
Traditional Ayurvedic head treatment SIRO ABHYANGA
How to guide a spa experience
Which oil and products to use.
Interwoven throughout the training is the 50-hour Yoga Foundation of saktiisha yoga by Savitri Sattoe.
Yoga philosophy and background.
We explore the background of yoga and delve deeper into the yoga philosophy. What is yoga? How do you apply yoga in daily life?
Basic Asana, Yoga Sutras by Patanjali. Application of Yama & Niyama, Basic Pranayama and Basic Asanas
Yoga in daily life. How do you integrate yoga into our daily lives through Yamas & Niyamas, Pranayama and Asana practice. Yoga on the mat and outside.
In addition, the 50-hour Tantra Yoga Foundation by Mar de Hartog is also interwoven throughout the training.
Tantra Yoga philosophy and background
During the training, Mar de Hartog will ensure the embodiment of tantra by teaching you to awaken the life energy and to use rituals and mantra for your transformation and healing.
- This internship program is the best way to learn how to bring the knowledge into your community. During this six-month program you will gain practical experience in seeing clients (50 visits), learning and applying counseling techniques, public speaking and educating your community. The classes you will follow are:
- Being able to provide information on nutrition, healthy eating patterns and food combinations to clients.
- Therapeutic / counseling skills; observing an Ayurvedic consultation (intake)
- Practice management and holistic business: Write a business and marketing plan and learn to create your offer from your dharma.
- Be able to provide information when it comes to lifestyle and sensory therapies.
- Case Presentations.
During the internship you will be assigned a personal mentor who will coach you in each client case from intake to Ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment plan to the follow-up sessions.